Tips For Taking Amazing Moon Photography On Your Mobile

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DARIUSTWIN Light Painting Photography and Stop Motion Animation from


Moon photography is a great way to capture beautiful images of the lunar surface. With the right settings and techniques, you can create breathtaking photos of the night sky. However, taking a great shot of the moon with a mobile phone can be tricky. It’s important to understand the basics of moon photography and use the right settings to get the best results. Read on to learn more about the best moon photography settings for your mobile device.

Find the Right Gear

Before you start taking pictures of the moon, it’s important to have the right gear. A smartphone camera, tripod, and remote shutter release will help you get the best shots. A tripod will keep your phone steady and provide the stability you need to take clear, crisp photos. A remote shutter release will allow you to take photos without touching your phone, eliminating the risk of camera shake.

Choose the Right Settings

When it comes to moon photography, the right settings are key. Your phone’s camera app should have a “Night Mode” setting that will help you capture the best images of the moon. This setting will reduce noise and increase clarity. Additionally, it’s important to turn off the flash, as it won’t do much to illuminate the moon. The ISO setting should be set to the lowest possible value to avoid creating too much noise.

Find the Right Light

When taking pictures of the moon, you’ll need to find the right light. The best time to take photos of the moon is during a full moon, when the moon is fully lit up. You’ll also want to find a spot with minimal light pollution. A dark park, beach, or other outdoor area is a great place to take pictures of the moon. You may also want to bring a flashlight to help you set up your gear.

Focus on the Moon

Once you’ve found the right light, it’s time to focus on the moon. Tap on the moon in your viewfinder to lock focus. If your phone has a manual focus option, you can use that to get even sharper images. You may also want to take multiple shots at different focal lengths to get the perfect shot.

Be Patient

Moon photography can be a bit tricky, so it’s important to be patient. Try different settings and angles until you get the perfect shot. If you’re having trouble getting the right exposure, try using an app like NightCap Pro, which will help you adjust camera settings for night photography.


Once you’ve taken the perfect shot of the moon, it’s time to edit your photo. Post-processing is an important step in getting the most out of your photos. You can use photo editing apps to adjust the exposure, sharpness, contrast, and other settings that will help you get the best results. You can also use apps to add special effects or filters to give your photo a unique look.

Final Thoughts

Moon photography is a great way to capture stunning images of the night sky. With the right gear and settings, you can take beautiful photos of the moon on your mobile device. Follow the tips above to get the best results from your moon photography adventures.

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